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European Nuclear Medicine Guide
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European Nuclear Medicine Guide
Chapter 12

Authors and Contributors

2020 Editorial Board Reviewers: 

Désirée Deandreis
John Prior

This section was originally based upon the following publications:

  • Flux G, Stokke C, et al. Internal Dosimetry Task Force Report on: Treatment Planning for Molecular Radiotherapy: Potential and Prospectus; European Association of Nuclear Medicine; https://doi.org/10.1186/s40658-017-0194-3; Last access: May 2018
  • Esser J.P., van Dalen J, van den Heuvel J, Owers E, Procedure guidelines nuclear medicine: Dutch Society of nuclear medicine. Kloosterhof Neer BV. ISBN: 9078876093.

Authors and Contributors of the 2020 Edition:

1.1    The Theranostic Concept

Niklaus Schaefer

1.2    EANM position paper on the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom (BSS) for nuclear medicine therapy

Mark Konijnenberg
Ken Herrmann
Carsten Kobe
Frederik Verburg
Cecilia Hindorf
Roland Hustinx
Michael Lassmann

The authors gratefully thank Katarina Sjögreen-Gleisner and Søren Holm for their outstanding contributions and discussions leading to the final version of the manuscript.

5.5    Redifferentiation strategies in 131Iodine treatment for thyroid cancer

Désirée Deandreis

10.3 PSMA Targeted Internal Radiotherapy with Alfa particles

Felix Motthagy

11. Interventional Nuclear Medicine

Sergi Vidal-Sicart
Daphne Rietbergen
Margret Schottelius
Pedro Fragoso Costa
Chiara Grana
Fijs van Leeuwen

The following Committees were involved in the reviewing of this section:

  • EANM Bone & Joint Committee
  • EANM Dosimetry Committee
  • EANM Oncology Committee
  • EANM Physics Committee
  • EANM Radiation Protection Committee
  • EANM Radiopharmacy Committee
  • EANM Technologist Committee
  • EANM Thyroid Committee
  • EANM Translational Molecular Imaging & Therapy
  • UEMS/EBNM Education & Syllabus Committee

Special thanks for the outstanding contribution in reviewing the 2020 edition to:

  • EANM Bone & Joint Committee
  • EANM Dosimetry Committee
  • EANM Oncology Committee
  • EANM Physics Committee
  • EANM Radiation Protection Committee
  • EANM Radiopharmacy Committee
  • EANM Technologist Committee
  • EANM Translational Molecular Imaging & Therapy